ITAR Registered

ITAR Registered

Dynamic Design and Manufacturing, Inc. is an ITAR compliant manufacturer of Defense Articles.

What is ITAR?

ITAR is the acronym for the International Traffic in Arms Regulations. The ITAR is a set of US government regulations controlling the export and import of defense-related materials and services. Administrated by the US Department of State, the ITAR was created to advance US strategic objectives and foreign policy via trade controls, while preventing the transfer of sensitive national defense articles and information to unauthorized recipients.

The U.S. Government requires all manufacturers, exporters, and brokers of defense articles, defense services, or related technical data to be registered with the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls and to maintain an ITAR compliance program.

ITAR specifically restricts the trade of defense articles and services listed on the United States Munitions List (USML).

These items include:

  • Defense Articles
  • Technical Data
  • Services

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